Thursday, August 30, 2012

Becky & Jim Part Deux {Engagement}

Becky and Jim (remember them from last fall?) are getting married super soon!  Like, in THREE DAYS soon.  Wow!!

They're getting married at the same place where they met, fell in love, and eventually got engaged - Purdue University, in West Lafayette, Indiana.  They wanted to do some more engagement photos around the campus before the big day.  So, we headed up there to visit some of their special spots around campus, as well as a few Boiler icons.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

California, Here I Come {Travel}

Whew, so I graduated from law school in May and took the Bar Exam at the end of July.  (Update 9/25/12: I passed!!)  To celebrate the end of the law school era and get my mind off the test and the results (which take FOREVER to come in) and my incredible lack of employment (or employability without those darned test results), my fabulous husband took me on an equally fabulous vacation to California.  It was the first time I was able to relax and take a breath in 3 years!  Here are some of the images I captured as we toured around.  Enjoy!!

The San Diego Zoo

 The San Diego Zoo Safari Park

I was a bit obsessed with this little guy.  And, apparently, he was too....there's a mirror in the bottom of that bowl :-)

Laguna Beach and Long Beach

The Gentle Barn
-- For those of you not familiar with the Gentle Barn, you can learn about them here.  They are an amazing animal rescue organization in Santa Clarita, California.

I don't typically post photos of myself, but this was one of my favorite moments of the whole trip.


My husband's favorite Disney ride.  We waited to do it until the end of the day so he could look forward to it all day.
SMALL WORLD!!!   My all time favorite!